Blair Sugarman Photography

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Hong Kong Street Photography Guide for 2023: 10 Tips to Guarantee Epic Street Shots

Article Summary

  • Use light sources other than neons for street photography.

  • Masks can be used to your advantage when photographing people.

  • Observe and capture seemingly insignificant moments and interactions.

  • Adjust shutter speed and ISO according to lighting conditions.

  • Utilize the city's architecture for leading lines, frames, and backgrounds.

  • Use public transport to get around and capture a variety of locations.

  • Be selective with the lenses you bring, based on the time of day and the desired style.

  • Explore the city without any particular motive to find amazing shots.

  • Different weather conditions can yield different results.

  • Don't forget to be mindful of sun direction and shadows when photographing during the day.


Having lived in a certain city for a prolonged period of time, we often become immune to the characteristics and qualities of our surroundings that make the place we live in so unique. Street photography is one of the ways to keep the allure of your chosen destination very much alive by showing you key moments and interactions that a specific place is built on. Through these photos, you are inviting the viewer to share in your moment of observation, weaving together the elements of a particular location and event into a largely subjective narrative open to interpretation. Each one of these images can tell a story, and, if you've even been to Hong Kong, you'll know that the streets here are a vast anthology of stories constantly unfolding. 

Since opening up after the pandemic, the Hong Kong government is doing everything in their power to boost tourism to the city, including rolling out free tickets and inviting popular influencers to come and document city life. Despite still being a fantastic city for street photography, Hong Kong is a very different place to the bustling hub it was before the pandemic, and that means if you’re an avid photographer looking to capture the city in it’s best light, there are some useful tips to make sure you can still get the best out of your visit. In this guide, I’ll explore how you can make the best of street photography in Hong Kong to create unique, stunning images.

Tips & Tricks for better street photography in Hong Kong

Tip 1: Neons are going, going gone but you can still make use of other light sources. 

Hong Kong used to be known for elaborate neon signs that hung across the roads, advertising restaurants, tailors, wedding services and more. Unfortunately, following the introduction of new rules, these beautiful signs are now being removed one by one, stripping the city of its heritage and robbing photographers of some truly spectacular photo opportunities. Despite this change there are still plenty of other ways to use the light sources of the city in your photos -  shop lights and market stalls offer interesting combinations of coloured light that illuminate street scenes in different ways during the evening. Puddles and car roofs make for perfect sources of reflection that can add special touches to your photo. During the day be mindful of the sun direction and shadows cast by the buildings - these can essentially make or break your photo, and it's best to be wary of where the sun will be at specific times of the day.

Tip 2: Observe the moments that often go unnoticed.

A quick market transaction, a bus driver waiting for passengers, a security guard snoozing in the shade, a lady standing out in the rain smoking a cigarette - all of these are moments that most people miss completely. As street photography is largely about the art of observation, take note as to all of the seemingly insignificant instances and interactions going on around you and try to capture them where possible. For that Hong Kong 'zeitgeist', add the elements we discussed previously - a transaction at a local market stall, a person climbing onto a tram, a bus driver (on one of the small red buses) waiting for passengers.  All of these things combined will help make your photos destination-specific and thought provoking.

Tip 3: Be aware of your shutter speed.

Especially at night! For all of the illuminated market stalls and shop fronts, there are plenty of poorly lit roads and back alleys. You'll need to adjust your shutter speed and ISO accordingly and when doing so be aware of your own ability to hold the camera steady at slightly slower shutter speeds. Standing in the middle of the road or a crowd might make this particularly difficult, so consider the balance of settings needed to get the best result.

Tip 4: Use the buildings here to your advantage.

The architecture here is especially prominent and can fulfil multiple functions in your street photography depending on what lens you're using and what area you're exploring. For slightly wider shots, narrow alleyways from the towering structures around the city can serve as leading lines, frames and backgrounds to your photos. When composing your photo be aware of cutting off a sign or building that could add an extra element to your shot so don't forget to look up when you're walking around with your camera. 

Take note of light and shadows cast by the buildings - if you're in the central district during sunset or sunrise, the light you capture and how you capture it are going to be heavily influenced by the surrounding office blocks and apartments. 

Tip 5: Take public transport - a lot. 

The trams here are not only a convenient way of getting around, they're also an incredible way to get photos of a variety of locations without ever getting off. The windows on the trams usually roll down, and with a variety of lenses you can get different results. Don't forget to use the windows and seating of the trams and buses to your advantage - they make for great frames and provide context for passenger interactions taking place on the vehicle itself. 

Tip 6: Don't be afraid to explore. 

When you do get off the public transport, walking around without any particular motive can still yield amazing street shots. When you need to find your way back you can use Google maps (be wary, sometimes Google maps takes a bit of time to show the right location/direction in HK) to find your way to the nearest MTR station, or grab a taxi back to your hotel. If you’re looking for some locations a bit further off the beaten path, I’ve put together a list of lesser known hidden gems that should give you some authentic shots.

Tip 7: Don't overload on lenses. 

You're likely to be walking - a lot, so be selective with which lenses you do bring. For street photography at night, we recommend a relatively fast lens (F1.2 - 1.8) to ensure that you don't need to crank up the ISO or drastically lower the shutter speed to get good results. Using a faster lens can also help to draw attention to the subject and, with the neon signs in Hong Kong, get some beautiful bokeh if that's what you're looking for. If you don't have a faster lens, an F2.8 aperture will also work well, but remember to adjust your settings accordingly - especially in poorly lit situations. If you're venturing out during the day, we recommend a versatile zoom lens, like a 24-105mm F4 or a 24-70mm F2.8. These kinds of lenses give you the option of wider and narrower FOVs to vary your style and points of focus. Check out my guide on gear selection for shooting in Hong Kong here.

Tip 8: Get out there - rain or shine.

Different weather yields different results - simple as that. Don't be put off by bad weather, use it to your advantage. In HK, it's all about reflections and umbrellas - use the distinctive local backdrops to create some truly stunning shots. 

Tip 9: Be respectful.

As with most places, certain people don't want to be photographed. Hong Kong, unlike other areas of South East Asia, doesn't have any overt superstitions or sentiments about being photographed - usually the main issue is privacy. If someone is unhappy being photographed it's best to just move on. You can also use a longer focal length to get certain shots without invading space or privacy, but still, it's best to be mindful and considerate.

Tip 10: Take your time. 

Patience is a virtue, and that goes doubly for street photography. Sometimes you'll have to line up your shot and wait for the perfect moment for a considerable amount of time before it actually manifests. In Hong Kong there is a steady stream of people in a lot of the most popular locations, so it's likely that you'll be waiting for crowds to disperse more often than you will be waiting for people to turn up. Just take a deep breath and enjoy being in the moment.

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions or want to know more about street photography in Hong Kong, feel free to get in touch.